Reiki is a Japanese's technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is a very powerful healing technique and is administered through a technique known as, “laying on hands.” Techniques such as this have been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki is guided by spiritual consciousness, and is defined as spiritually guided life energy. Reiki always knows what a person needs and adjust accordingly.
Reiki uses spiritual consciousness
How Does Reiki Work?
When a person receives a Reiki session, the spiritual consciousness assesses where in the body the person has dense energies or is in need of healing, and directs the hands to that part of the body. The Reiki energy then works by clearing the negative thoughts and feelings (which are blocking one’s energy flow) and replaces them with healthy thoughts and feelings.
Watch the Reiki Video below to have a more in-depth understanding.
What to Expect in a Reiki Session?
At your Reiki session you will be asked by your practitioner what parts of the body you want your practitioner to focus on. You will then lay down on the healing table and the practitioner will connect to the Reiki energy and begin the Reiki session. The practitioner will then move their hands over different points on your body, using spiritual consciousness to guide their hands and remove dense energies that are blocking your life flow. They will then infuse secrete Reiki symbols to increase your positive life flow. Karen is a Certified Reiki Master and is also trained in “Psychic Surgery” for Reiki sessions.
What to Expect After the Reiki Session?
Most people feel lighter, more peaceful, more whole and complete after a Reiki session. Some individuals may feel old memories/energies come to the service to be released. Please honor this and allow them to release. This is a great opportunity to lighten the load you are carrying or clean house of dense energies. Please be advised that processing can take up to 7-10 days.
$99.00 for 50 minutes
$129.00 for 80 minutes
For more information on Reiki please contact