Soul Retrieval
Soul Retrieval is a healing modality used to retrieve lost soul fragments to assist in healing on all levels: mind, body and spirit. Our soul is our life force, our essence, the part of us that keeps us alive and thriving. Soul loss occurs when a part of our soul essence leaves and does not return on its own. Universally, Shamans for thousands of years have believed illnesses and diseases are often caused by soul loss.
Signs of Soul Loss Include:
Not feeling like yourself.
Longing for something.
Feeling depleted of energy.
Loss of connection to others.
Suicidal thoughts.
Hopelessness & Depression.
Excessively tired.
Feeling like you are carrying other people’s issues.
Soul Retrieval has been described as “the soul coming home.”
Why Does Soul Loss Occur?
Sudden impact e.g. car accident
Childhood trauma
Abuse: emotional, physical, Sexual.
Unexpected painful loss, such as a death of loved one (grief).
Bully’s- school mates, siblings, bosses etc. (Bully’s lack energy and have their own soul loss and try to take if from someone else- however, they cant keep any pieces of the soul from another.
Psychic attacks
Energy vampires
We Give soul Fragments Away
We consciously or unconsciously give away soul pieces. This can happen due to lack of self-care or due to self-abuse. In many relationships we unconsciously give pieces of ourselves e.g. ex, parent to child.
We give parts of ourselves unconsciously to receive love from another.
Watch the video below for a more in-depth understanding of Soul Retrieval.
What to Expect During your 5 Soul Retrieval Sessions?
The Soul Retrieval is a mandatory five 50 minutes session commitment. It is important that the client complete all 5 sessions to properly integrate the entire Soul Retrieval process. Karen is a certified Soul Retrieval Practitioner.
Session 1: Introduction to your Power Animal and Soul Pieces.
Session 2: Power Animal & Honoring Soul Pieces.
Session 3: Releasing & Collecting Soul Pieces.
Session 4: Body part Soul Retrieval
Session 5: Connect with Spirit Teachers & Soul Remembrance
What to Expect After Your Soul Retrieval Process?
Each individual has a unique Soul Retrieval experience. Most people feel lighter, more whole, a sense of peace, more present and joyful.
Soul Retrieval Session
Five 50 minute sessions: $595.00 (works out to $119.00 per session).
The Soul Retrieval is a mandatory five 50 minute session commitment. It is important the client complete all 5 sessions to properly integrate the entire Soul Retrieval process. Sessions are booked approximately every 2 weeks. If the client can not commit to 5 sessions, then the soul retrieval will not occur. All 5 sessions must be booked upfront and a %50 deposit is required at the time of booking.
For more information on Soul Retrieval please contact