Theta Healing
How Does Theta Healing Work?
Theta healing is conducted in a theta brainwave that releases blocks and trauma on 4 levels: Core, genetic, history and soul. Theta taps into the subconscious mind to get to the route of the issues, as it is believed that not all blocks are from the physical. Theta goes deep into the subconscious mind to see when the issue started to release the block. Karen is a certified Advanced Theta Practitioner and has been practicing Theta for years.
Theta healing is a beautiful holistic healing technique that is used to release belief systems that are blocking you from achieving success and replacing with positive beliefs to support the healing of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
A lot of what you carry….does not belong to you…
Theta Healing can reprogram your DNA- releasing negative thought patterns belonging to others e.g. your parents, society, ancestors.
Benefits of a Theta Healing Session
Helps you release fears and phobias,
Helps you feel empowered,
Helps you with clarity and direction,
Can painlessly release your suppressed feelings from 4 levels: core, genetic, soul, and history,
Supports you in enhancing your health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity,
Empowers you to experience fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life,
Provides release of pain and hurt for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families,
Supports your self-healing at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual,
Can increase your fertility.
Vianna Stibal is the founder of Theta healing.
Watch the Theta video below for a more in-depth understanding of what Theta Healing is & how it works.
What Can I Expect at a Theta Healing Session?
You and the practitioner will sit across from each other and you will decide what you want to work on today. For example you may want to release a fear of water or public speaking, you may want to manifest a soul mate, more love, more Joy, a vacation, better career etc.
Your practitioner will go into a theta brainwave by connecting to Creator energy, and then your practitioner will ask you questions from a theta brainwave state to get to the route of the issue. Visualizations and sensations are common during a Theta session but do not always occur. You may also feel tingles or become emotional and cry. Please honor the process as your body is releasing suppressed emotions. You may also feel nothing at all, and that is fine too- Theta is still working.
What You May Feel After the Session?
The effects of the session may continue to integrate for up to several days following the treatment. During this time you may feel energized, light, tired, unsettled, or somehow have a sense of being in transition. Thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations may continue to surface as your body adjusts to its new energetic patterns. All of these experiences are good and normal parts of the integration process. Be sure to rest, drink extra water, and be kind to yourself, especially over the next 48 hours. Listen to what your body is telling you and take time to reflect on any experiences or insights that arise. Theta is a multifaceted technique and it can take multiple sessions to get to the route of the issue and even at that, there are no guarantees of the outcome. Spiritual services do not replace medical or psychological care, but rather; complements it.
For more information on Theta Healing please contact: